The firm - BG Advocats Economistes
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The firm

BG Advocats i Economistes

We are an independent, multidisciplinary, dynamic and innovative firm of lawyers and economists, with a track record of more than 20 years in providing comprehensive legal advice focusing on business and personal law.
BG Advocats i Economistes originated from the merger of the Guash-López and Base-Gasc law firms in 2000. The new managers of the firm appointed in 2021 are María Teresa Velasco, a partner since 2004, and Carles Farelo Busquets who joined BG Advocats i Economistes in 2020.

Legal advice

Business consulting

Support for the company


At BG we spend as much time as is necessary listening to and understanding all our clients’ requests.

At BG, we are a firm of lawyers and economists specialising in commercial, tax, labour and civil issues, as well as any possible procedural aspects of these fields. We provide advice and support for medium-sized and large companies to foster and defend their interests.

BG’s advice is provided by a range of professionals who undergo constant training, with extensive experience and who are at the same time committed to our clients’ objectives, requests and sensitivities.

We offer our clients comprehensive solutions for legal, financial and strategy advice based on a 360° perspective, to high standards and on a personalised basis.
«We work to be a leading firm in legal, economic and tax advice, with a model based on people.»